Terms & Conditions


Dynamic Action operate the website www.bindingcoils.co.uk. The companyprovide the information contained on this website or any of the pagescomprising the website to visitors (collectively referred to as 'you or 'your'hereinafter) subject to the terms and conditions set out in these website termsand conditions, the privacy policy and any other relevant terms and conditionswhich may be applicable to a specific section or module of this website.

Basis of the sale.

These Terms shall govern the sale andsupply of goods by Dynamic Action to you. All other terms and conditions oftrading are excluded. If you wish to rely on any variation in these terms youshould ensure that such variations are recorded in writing.

Any error or omission in any informationor document issued by Dynamic Action shall be subject to correction providedthat the correction does not materially affect the purchase and sale of thegoods/product.

Products, contents and specifications

All products, prices of products plusfeatures, contents, specifications, described or shown in this website aresubject to change at any time and without any prior notice.

We make strong efforts to accuratelydisplay our products, however certain weights, measurements and similardescriptions are approximate and for your convenience only. This includes thedepicted colours, the actual colours you will observe will depend on yourcomputer system, which may or may not accurately display the respectivecolours.

Unless otherwise stated, all imagesshown on all areas of the website are for illustration purposes only, thus anyobservable materials or goods included in the image such as pens, rulers, forexample, will not be included with the product as standard.

The inclusion of particular products,goods or services on the website at a particular time does not entail orwarrant that these products, goods or services will be available at any time.

It is your responsibility to adhere andobey any applicable local and international laws regarding the possession, useand sale of the products purchased from the TOAD® site.

By placing an order from the www.bindingcoils.co.uksite you represent fully that the products ordered will only be used in alawful manner.


We currently ship inside the UK and fromthe UK to overseas. We aim to expand to international based delivery in 2019.

Dynamic Action accepts no responsibilityover loss or risk of loss of the item upon delivery to the carrier. It is yourresponsibility to file claims against the carrier for lost/stolen/damagedgoods.

Accuracy of information

Whilst Dynamic Action will try to ensurethat everything contained on this website is accurate, complete and up to date,it however, may be the case that occasionally the information available on thesite may be inaccurate, incomplete and out of date.

We make no claim to the completeness,validity or accuracy of any information available on this site. Products may beunavailable, have different features than the ones listed and may be adifferent price to that stated and we may change price and availability of theproducts without notice.

Whilst it is customary for us to confirman order by email, the receipt of an order confirmation does not equate to ouracceptance of an order or our confirmation of an offer to sell a product.

We reserve the right without priornotice to limit the order quantity of any product and/or to refuse service toany customer without needing to state a reason.

Use of the website

The design of the site, all text,graphics, information, content and any other material displayed on, or that canbe downloaded from this site are the property of Dynamic Action. These areprotected by Copyright, Trademark and other laws concerning intellectualproperty rights and may not be used except as permitted in these terms andconditions or with the prior written permission of the owner of the material inquestion.

You cannot modify information andmaterials on this site, or reproduce or publicly display, perform or distributeor otherwise use materials for public and/or commercial purpose.

Unauthorised use of such materials willlead to a violation of copyright, trademark and privacy/publicity laws plusother laws and regulations.

You are responsible for keeping theconfidentially of your account details, including username, email address andpassword and restricting access to such information on your computer.

You agree to accept all responsibilityfor all activities that occur under your account/password.

You are not permitted to download, view,print, copy onto hard disk of your computer or photocopy and use for personalnon-commercial or commercial purposes the material available on this site.

Acts such as those stated above must bein good faith only; any other use requires the prior written consent of DynamicAction.

Competition and Special Offers

Dynamic Action may, from time to time,have competition, prize draws or other promotions and offers on the Site. Thesemay be subject to additional terms and conditions that will be made known toyou.


Particular trademarks, trade names,service marks and logos appearing on this website are registered andunregistered trademarks, trade names, service marks and logos of Dynamic Actionand/or their respective owners.

Nothing grants or gives any implicationof granting any right or license to use or copy any trademarks, trade names,service marks and logos without our written permission, or without the writtenpermission of a third party owner.

Third party links

Our website may display links to otherwebsites which are not owned by our affiliates or us. Each link is providedsolely as a convenience to you.

If you choose to use these links leavingour website, you do so at entirely your own risk. Neither we, nor any of ouraffiliates are responsible for any content, materials or other informationlocated on or accessible from any other site.

We do not endorse, guarantee or make anyrepresentations or warranties regarding other websites, or results or materialsand/or information, which may be obtained from other sites.

Inappropriate material

You are prohibited fromposting/transmitting and unlawful, threatening, defamatory, libellous, obscene,pornographic or profane material that may constitute or encourage conduct whichmay be deemed a criminal offence or give rise to civil liberty or otherwiseviolate any law. This also applies to anything you may input into the websiteby way of personalising any product on the site

If we reasonably suspect you haveviolated or are likely to violate these prohibitions we may take any action wedeem necessary to prevent the violation, without limitation the immediateremoval from this site the related materials.

User information

Other than personal information (subjectto the sites privacy policy) any material, info, suggestions, ideas, concepts,know-how, techniques, questions, comments or other communication youtransmit/post on this site in any manner is and will be considerednon-confidential and non-proprietary.

We have no obligation to use, return,review or respond to any customer communication.

We accept no liability to the content ofsuch information, whether or not occurring under the laws of copyright, libel,and privacy or otherwise.

We retain the right to remove any/alluser communications including any material we deem inappropriate orunacceptable.

You agree that you will not use the www.bindingcoils.co.uksite: 

a.     For the posting, uploading, emailing or othertransmission of material that infringes the rights of any person or which isunlawful in any other respect

b.     For the posting, uploading, emailing or othertransmission of any unsolicited or unauthorised advertising, promotionalmaterials, 'junk mail', 'spam', 'chain letters', 'pyramid schemes' or any otherform of solicitation or commercial exploitation;

c.     For the posting, uploading, emailing or othertransmission of any material that contains software viruses or any othercomputer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy, limit orcompromise the integrity of any computer software or hardware;

d.     To create a database that includes material downloadedor otherwise obtained from the Site

e.     To transmit or re-circulate any material obtained fromthe site to any third party

f.      In any such way so as to remove the copyright ortrademark notice (s) from any copies of any material made in accordance withthese terms; or

g.     In any way that might bring  Dynamic Action into disrepute.


Your use of this site is entirely atyour own risk.

The materials provided are withoutwarranties of any kind including warranties of merchantability, fitness forparticular purpose,

We, and none of our affiliates, warrantaccuracy/completeness of materials or services on and throughout the site.

The materials on this site may be out ofdate but we, and our affiliates, make no commitment and hold no duty ofresponsibility to update such materials.

Limitations of liability 

We assume no responsibility for, anydamages to, any viruses that may infect your computer, telecommunicationequipment or other property caused by or arising from your access to, use of,or browsing this website or your downloading of any materials from this site.

Under no circumstances will we, ourofficers, directors, employees, shareholders, affiliates, parent corporations,agents, successors, assigns, retail partners nor any party involved increation, production or transmission of this website be liable to any party forany indirect, special, punitive, incidental or consequential damages, (incwithout limitation, those resulting from lost profits, lost data, or businessinterruption) arising out of the use, inability to use or the results of use ofthis website, or the materials, information or services contained at any or allsuch websites, whether based on warranty, contract, tort or any other legaltheory and whether or not advised of the possibility of such damages.

The foregoing limitations of liabilitydo not apply to the extent prohibited by law. Please refer to local laws forany such prohibitions.

Revision of T&Cs

We may revise these T&Cs at any timeand from time to time by updating this posting.

You should visit this page from time totime to review the then current T&Cs because they are binding on you.

Certain provisions of these T&Cs maybe superseded by expressly designated legal notices or terms located onparticular pages on this website.

These T&Cs may be varied from timeto time. Please ensure that you review regularly as you will be deemed to haveaccepted a variation if you continue to use the site after any variation hasbeen posted.

Choice of law jurisdiction

These T&Cs supersede any otheragreement between you and us to the extent necessary to resolve anyinconsistency or ambiguity between then.

These T&Cs will be governed by andconstrued in accordance with the laws of England, without giving effect to anyprinciples of conflicts of laws.

Printed version of these T&Cs shallbe admissible in judicial and administrative proceedings based upon or relatingto these T&Cs to the same extent and subject to the same conditions asother business documents and records originally generated and maintained inprinted form.


You or we may suspend or terminate youraccount or your use of this website at any time, for any reason or for noreason.

You are personally liable for any ordersthat you place or charges that you incur prior to termination.

We reserve the right to change, suspend,or discontinue all or any aspect of this website at any time ad without notice.

Comments or questions

If you have any questions, comments orconcerns about the website, the privacy policy or any other relevant terms andconditions, policies or notices or the way in which we handle your personalinformation, please don't hesitate to contact us at:

Dynamic Action


Tel: +44 (0) 7552756292